Hari ni, lepas balik dari kenduri pertunangan kawan baik Ayah, aku terus bukak internet. Nak check tawaran untuk MRSM. Dah tulis kad pengenalan, tertera 'Tahniah! Anda berjaya!'. *gasp* Alhamdulillah... Mata dah terbeliak, mulut terlopong. Mula2 tu memang seronok tak terkata, berlari-lari masuk bilik beritahu Ummi. Ummi dengan reaksi yang serupa ucap tahniah dan peluk aku. Ayah hanya menganggukkan kepala, sebab dia tengah tidur masa tu. Lepas tu, kegembiraan lenyap sedikit demi sedikit, terfikir pasal kawan yang dah 3 tahun berkepit sana sini. Sayang la nak tinggalkan Aisya Darinna Afniza. Aku terdiam kejap, perasaan bercampur baur sampai tak tau jadi perasaan apa pulak. Pada masa yang sama, teruja sangat bila dapat MRSM Tun Ghafar Baba sebab dekat, Ummi dan Ayah boleh lawat selalu. Entah la...
P/S : Aisya Darinna Afniza, you guys rock my life! XD
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
East coast
Friday night, as usual, I was on the Net, the bros were killing each other; in the game of PS2 while Ayah was reading the headline and Ummi was on the phone. Only the ear-blasting sound of the PS2 game and Ummi's chatter were heard as we indulge in our 'businesses'. Then, Ayah's voice suddenly barge in.
Ayah : Hari Sabtu ni, kita pergi Kelantan eh.
Us (me and the bros) : Huh? Uhh... *heavy sigh*
Me : Nak buat apa? Malas la travel jauh2.
Ayah : Laa...ayah yang bawak kete, bukan akak. Kita nak jenguk Tok Su, dia sakit. Sambil2 tu kita pergi Terengganu jugak, tengok Masjid Kristal.
Me : Oh yeke...tapi nak buat apa 9 jam dalam kete?
Ayah : ...(continued reading)
So that was it. No more arguing. We packed and slept early. Err...earlier than usual. We got out of the house before dawn.
Our weekend getaway...
♪ Kelantan
We visited sick Tok Su at Jeli. He had some kind of stroke that made him unable to talk properly. While Ayah and Ummi were chatting with him (dunno how they keep up with his difficulties), I enjoyed killing time watching Jimmy Neutron on TV9. (It wasn't very much enjoyable as I hate dubbed cartoons but it's better than watching the grass grow). Then, we left for Mak Uda's at Rantau Panjang to stay for the night. And one thing for sure, we didn't expect a downpour because the weather in Seremban is the total opposite! Haven't had sweatless sleep for days...
♪ Terengganu
This is where my fun-o-meter really filled up! After a night at Mak Andak's at Kuala Terengganu, we headed to the Crystal Mosque. The excitement built in me as we got closer to the destination. I grasped the camera like it's about to shatter into pieces. XD I already took a dozen pictures of the mosque the moment we arrived. That's not till we were at Taman Tamadun Islam. Anyway, I'll just show you some of the pics and let you continue the story. =D

Hmm...very amatuerish pics, isn't it? Well, at least you get the picture. After a long walk and picture snapping, we take a break at one of the cafe. I got myself popcorns and a blackcurrant juice. When we're about to leave, an announcement said that there will be solar eclipse gazing at the Convention Centre. We, me and the bros, gave Ayah a pleading look. A firm no came out from his mouth. He said, we must reach Kuantan before dark. We were too tired to argue so we went to the souvenir shop, bought a keychain and headed straight to the car. The journey was surprisingly quiet. When I was sleeping, Ayah's call woke me up. He was pointing at something in the sky. I gasped. It's the solar eclipse! Subhanallah... We cherished the moment before it was gone 10 minutes later.

♪ Kuantan, Pahang
Err...there's nothing much to tell. We just stayed for the night and went to Mak Cik Ida's to have lunch. Then, we headed home. When I got home, homework were waiting for me. Ugh...=.=" As if I haven't had enough tiredness for one day.
Ayah : Hari Sabtu ni, kita pergi Kelantan eh.
Us (me and the bros) : Huh? Uhh... *heavy sigh*
Me : Nak buat apa? Malas la travel jauh2.
Ayah : Laa...ayah yang bawak kete, bukan akak. Kita nak jenguk Tok Su, dia sakit. Sambil2 tu kita pergi Terengganu jugak, tengok Masjid Kristal.
Me : Oh yeke...tapi nak buat apa 9 jam dalam kete?
Ayah : ...(continued reading)
So that was it. No more arguing. We packed and slept early. Err...earlier than usual. We got out of the house before dawn.
Our weekend getaway...
♪ Kelantan
We visited sick Tok Su at Jeli. He had some kind of stroke that made him unable to talk properly. While Ayah and Ummi were chatting with him (dunno how they keep up with his difficulties), I enjoyed killing time watching Jimmy Neutron on TV9. (It wasn't very much enjoyable as I hate dubbed cartoons but it's better than watching the grass grow). Then, we left for Mak Uda's at Rantau Panjang to stay for the night. And one thing for sure, we didn't expect a downpour because the weather in Seremban is the total opposite! Haven't had sweatless sleep for days...
♪ Terengganu
This is where my fun-o-meter really filled up! After a night at Mak Andak's at Kuala Terengganu, we headed to the Crystal Mosque. The excitement built in me as we got closer to the destination. I grasped the camera like it's about to shatter into pieces. XD I already took a dozen pictures of the mosque the moment we arrived. That's not till we were at Taman Tamadun Islam. Anyway, I'll just show you some of the pics and let you continue the story. =D

Hmm...very amatuerish pics, isn't it? Well, at least you get the picture. After a long walk and picture snapping, we take a break at one of the cafe. I got myself popcorns and a blackcurrant juice. When we're about to leave, an announcement said that there will be solar eclipse gazing at the Convention Centre. We, me and the bros, gave Ayah a pleading look. A firm no came out from his mouth. He said, we must reach Kuantan before dark. We were too tired to argue so we went to the souvenir shop, bought a keychain and headed straight to the car. The journey was surprisingly quiet. When I was sleeping, Ayah's call woke me up. He was pointing at something in the sky. I gasped. It's the solar eclipse! Subhanallah... We cherished the moment before it was gone 10 minutes later.

♪ Kuantan, Pahang
Err...there's nothing much to tell. We just stayed for the night and went to Mak Cik Ida's to have lunch. Then, we headed home. When I got home, homework were waiting for me. Ugh...=.=" As if I haven't had enough tiredness for one day.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Firman Allah s.w.t.,
"Tidaklah sama antara mukmin yang duduk (yang tidak turut berperang) yang tidak mempunyai uzur dengan orang-orang yang berjihad di jalan Allah dengan harta mereka dan jiwanya. Allah melebihkan orang-orang yang berjihad dengan harta dan jiwanya atas orang-orang yang duduk dengan satu darjat. Kepada mereka Allah menjanjikan pahala yang baik (syurga) dan Allah melebihkan orang-orang yang berjihad atas orang yang duduk dengan pahala yang besar."
Surah an-Nisa' ayat 95
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Cross-country race
The beginning of an exhausting day for this year. Why am I saying this? Because, no one is dumb enough to run 8 km around town for self-pleasure. Unless, if getting leg cramps for a week is the kind of pleasure you wanted, then go ahead. Participation is COMPULSORY (this goes to those who didn't show up at the race, right Fiqa? =p). Even if I don't wanna take part in this ridiculously-tiring race, Ummi will make me. She's a teacher in my school for cryin' out loud! I was hesitating to show up at the race because the cramps from the practice that Ummi made me to go had not recovered yet. But I showed up after all, thinking of what would my friends say (and also Ummi, so enough thinking!) if I didn't.
Frankly, this year's race was the only race I've ever put all my will and strength to. I don't know why, but I felt the eager to make it to the top 50 and receive a cert. The year before, Fiqa and I hardly ran. We walked and jabbered most of the time. Yup, this is what people who hardly exercise do during a cross-country race. And then the next day, we will get leg cramps. =p
The categories are Boys and Girls 1 (Upper Form) and Boys and Girls 2 (Lower Form). Throughout the race, we must pass 3 checkpoints; we will be given a card at each checkpoint. If the cards are lost, winning points will not be taken. Meaning, you will go home empty-handed even if you made it to the top 50. The track is 8 km long. No fair! Last year's was 5 km! DX
Initially, I ran with Arina, Wani, Fatin, Izzati and Zawani. Later, Arina and I ditched them. Haha, some friends we turned out to be. =p After 30 minutes, more or less...it's 50 m to the finish line, 40 m, 30 m, 20 m, 10 m and....no. 67?? That's it? Uhh...I didn't make it. =.=" I nearly collapsed from exhaustion and this is what I get? Whatever...
Oh, and then, award time. Sad to say, Seng Long wiped out all the trophy! O.o They're in the lead for points, followed by Abdul Malek (Hah! In your face, Fatin, Zati! XD), Sheikh Ahmad, Braddon and Meade. And then, went to class. Guess what? Puan Yatimah actually wanted to teach despite the tiredness and loopiness expressed on our faces. What the--?! But, there's no arguing with the Vice Principle. So, we spent the last 40 minutes making little kid's sentences for we were too tired to think of sentences that suit our level. And Pn. Yatimah seemed to approve of it, thank goodness...
Frankly, this year's race was the only race I've ever put all my will and strength to. I don't know why, but I felt the eager to make it to the top 50 and receive a cert. The year before, Fiqa and I hardly ran. We walked and jabbered most of the time. Yup, this is what people who hardly exercise do during a cross-country race. And then the next day, we will get leg cramps. =p
The categories are Boys and Girls 1 (Upper Form) and Boys and Girls 2 (Lower Form). Throughout the race, we must pass 3 checkpoints; we will be given a card at each checkpoint. If the cards are lost, winning points will not be taken. Meaning, you will go home empty-handed even if you made it to the top 50. The track is 8 km long. No fair! Last year's was 5 km! DX
Initially, I ran with Arina, Wani, Fatin, Izzati and Zawani. Later, Arina and I ditched them. Haha, some friends we turned out to be. =p After 30 minutes, more or less...it's 50 m to the finish line, 40 m, 30 m, 20 m, 10 m and....no. 67?? That's it? Uhh...I didn't make it. =.=" I nearly collapsed from exhaustion and this is what I get? Whatever...
Oh, and then, award time. Sad to say, Seng Long wiped out all the trophy! O.o They're in the lead for points, followed by Abdul Malek (Hah! In your face, Fatin, Zati! XD), Sheikh Ahmad, Braddon and Meade. And then, went to class. Guess what? Puan Yatimah actually wanted to teach despite the tiredness and loopiness expressed on our faces. What the--?! But, there's no arguing with the Vice Principle. So, we spent the last 40 minutes making little kid's sentences for we were too tired to think of sentences that suit our level. And Pn. Yatimah seemed to approve of it, thank goodness...
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Like Whoa!
Semalam aku pergi reunion kat JJ Seremban 2. Ni la first time aku pergi reunion ex-ABIM. Walaupun sebelum ni diorang pernah buat (yang aku baru tau semalam...), aku tak pernah pergi. Sebab apa? Diorang takde pun nak ajak aku! Huh... *pouts* Ok, tak nak la cakap pasal tu. Hilang mood aku nak tulis post ni nanti.
Reunion tahun ni agak grand sebab ex-ABIM dari seluruh pelusuk Seremban datang (dan seorang dari K.Pilah), ikhwan dan akhwat. Ramai muka2 yang aku hampir tak cam, terutamanya budak lelaki. Biasa la tu...tapi kan, pelik, Azim dan Faisal makin chubby. Bukan ke lelaki makin besar makin kurus dan tinggi? LOL... =D. Azira dan Fadhilah pulak masih gila2 macam dulu. Zulfaa tak lekang dengan tudung labuhnya. Izzah...tak payah cite la, memang hari2 nampak muka dia. Jiran la katakan... =) Nina pulak, whoa...memang lain sangat daripada dulu. Rugged! Ok, dah la. Kalau nak cerita pasal semua orang memang tak cukup satu post. Sori la ek korang yang lain2 tu, jari aku pun nak rehat jugak. =p
Reunion tahun ni agak grand sebab ex-ABIM dari seluruh pelusuk Seremban datang (dan seorang dari K.Pilah), ikhwan dan akhwat. Ramai muka2 yang aku hampir tak cam, terutamanya budak lelaki. Biasa la tu...tapi kan, pelik, Azim dan Faisal makin chubby. Bukan ke lelaki makin besar makin kurus dan tinggi? LOL... =D. Azira dan Fadhilah pulak masih gila2 macam dulu. Zulfaa tak lekang dengan tudung labuhnya. Izzah...tak payah cite la, memang hari2 nampak muka dia. Jiran la katakan... =) Nina pulak, whoa...memang lain sangat daripada dulu. Rugged! Ok, dah la. Kalau nak cerita pasal semua orang memang tak cukup satu post. Sori la ek korang yang lain2 tu, jari aku pun nak rehat jugak. =p
Anyways, sebenarnya janji tunggu kat bowling alley pukul 11. Aku dan Izzah bertolak pukul 10.15. Tu pun dah kelam kabut, takut lambat sampai. Tapi, bila dah sampai...... (cricket sound) takde orang pun! Setengah jam kemudian, baru la nampak batang hidung diorang. Aku sempat habiskan satu roti Pappa lagi.
Aktiviti kitorang...
♪ Main boling
Ni memang satu kemestian! Reunion ke, keluar jalan2 dengan kawan2 ke, mesti main boling. Faten memang terror walaupun dia kata tak pernah main boling. Highest score tu! Aku pulak, hehe...biasa la, antara yang paling sikit score. Masa tengah2 main tu tangan terseliuh la pulak... uhh... =.=" Main 1 game je pun sampai sejam lebih. Banyak borak dan tangkap gambar je. Tapi budak laki tak main sekali, malu la konon... Anyway, keputusannya... Hanis dapat the 3rd least score! Bangga ni... =p
♪ Makan kat McD
Yang ni, takde apa sangat nak cerita. Makan, borak2, tangkap gambar (lagi), tukar2 nombor telefon... Oh ye, ni la first time aku habiskan makanan aku. Malas la nak pegang. =p
♪ Tengok wayang
The best part of this reunion! Kitorang tengok Bedtime Stories. Memang kelakar! I was laughing my head off! Berbaloi la bayar tiket RM 9. Masuk wayang pun tak beli apa2 sebab dah kenyang makan McD tadi.
Lepas tengok wayang, semua berpecah buat hal sendiri. So much for a reunion... Aku, Izzah dan Alaa' pergi MPH beli buku, barang sekolah, etc. etc. Lepas tu, merayau... Dah tak tau nak pergi mana. Pukul 5, berkumpul balik. Tangkap gambar lagi. Penat la tahan senyum. =.="
Balik pulak ayah Izzah jemput.
Aktiviti kitorang...
♪ Main boling
Ni memang satu kemestian! Reunion ke, keluar jalan2 dengan kawan2 ke, mesti main boling. Faten memang terror walaupun dia kata tak pernah main boling. Highest score tu! Aku pulak, hehe...biasa la, antara yang paling sikit score. Masa tengah2 main tu tangan terseliuh la pulak... uhh... =.=" Main 1 game je pun sampai sejam lebih. Banyak borak dan tangkap gambar je. Tapi budak laki tak main sekali, malu la konon... Anyway, keputusannya... Hanis dapat the 3rd least score! Bangga ni... =p
♪ Makan kat McD
Yang ni, takde apa sangat nak cerita. Makan, borak2, tangkap gambar (lagi), tukar2 nombor telefon... Oh ye, ni la first time aku habiskan makanan aku. Malas la nak pegang. =p
♪ Tengok wayang
The best part of this reunion! Kitorang tengok Bedtime Stories. Memang kelakar! I was laughing my head off! Berbaloi la bayar tiket RM 9. Masuk wayang pun tak beli apa2 sebab dah kenyang makan McD tadi.
Lepas tengok wayang, semua berpecah buat hal sendiri. So much for a reunion... Aku, Izzah dan Alaa' pergi MPH beli buku, barang sekolah, etc. etc. Lepas tu, merayau... Dah tak tau nak pergi mana. Pukul 5, berkumpul balik. Tangkap gambar lagi. Penat la tahan senyum. =.="
Balik pulak ayah Izzah jemput.
There you have it. My best day ever before school starts...
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