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Bismillah... Bersyukur kita ke hadrat Allah s.w.t. kerana dengan limpah kurnia-Nya pelajar2 TGB dibenarkan pulang bermalam pada minggu ni sebab cuti peristiwa sempena Makan Malam *Muafakat. Kitorang cuti la hari Isnin. Homework pun tak banyak. Nikmatnya hidup!
Anyways, these 2 weeks were full of activities and classes were dismissed early. So, for 2 weeks, school ended at noon. Hah, tak payah gasping, takde yang bestnya habis sekolah awal pun. Sama je penatnya macam sekolah.
♪ Type III Fair which was a presentation day for the Form 5's **SEM projects. We, the Form 4s were supposed to go to the exhibits and write 2 synopsis about the projects of each category; Scientific, Engineering and Innovation, Descriptive and Others. Yang ni, tak payah cite sangat la. Inti patinya, memang penat sebab pameran bukan kat satu tempat je. Merata-rata.
♪ Hari Anugerah Penghargaan Pengetua, similar to KGV's Anugerah Pengetua. Form 5 students who achieved the PNG of 3.5 and above were awarded. Time diorang naik pentas ambik sijil la part paling boring. Yela, yang naik pentas bukannya sorang 2 orang, more or less 200 students! So, sleeping is best solution to overcome my boredom. Then, when the last student went up the stage, the audience went wild with loud applause and cheers. Hehe, terkenang nostalgia kat KGV dulu...
♪ E-Night which was on Saturday night. It's a night where students sit back, relax and enjoy the performance by somehow talented students. The theme for the night was Masquerade, where students have to wear masks to enter the hall (or ball. Malam ni la yang ditunggu2 sebab time ni je diorang boleh bergaya sakan. Sebelum ni asyik terikat dengan baju kurung, seluar trek, plain t-shirt dan tudung berjahit tengah. So, malam tu, kreativiti diorang mencurah2. Topeng2 unik yang aku jumpa ialah Zorro, Phantom of the Opera, topeng perompak, yang pakai paper bag pun ada! And I noticed a girl who wore a Cinderella gown. Uuu... But then, I didn't bother to dress up. Malas la...XP
The night was kick started by a piano recital with the song, The Last Lullaby from the Twilight movie and the JB's Lovebug instrumental of piano and guitar. Membelai jiwa dan raga... Then the ***Azzariat sang I Believe I Can Fly, followed by a choir performance and a shuffle dance as the finale. Coolness! I didn't the expect the night will be rawking awesome!
♪ United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) which was on Sunday morning. Once again, no dorm inspection. Adoi, bila la nak sapu bilik tu... Habuk2 dah jadi dust bunnies dah. Anyway, UNGA ni sebenarnya some kind of conference by the delegations of 18 countries which represents 18 Form 5 classes, discussing on the topic, The Global Economy Meltdown. Tengok, tajuk pun dah gempak.
Each class representatives were to describe the economy of the country they represent and discuss with other representatives to solve the economy meltdown. Cuba teka negara apa yang paling teruk kena hentam? USA la, kononnya diorang yang sebabkan kejatuhan ekonomi global ni. Tapi, akak wakil USA tu, pandai patahkan hujah2 and she was awarded as the best speaker walaupun mati2 dihentam. Memang best la dengar diorang berdebat, macam kat Parlimen. English diorang pun power.
♪ Dorm spotcheck with my ****homeroom, Topaz 1. The girls got to visit the boys' dorm and vice versa.
♪ Sukantara to contribute points for sports houses. FYI, aku rumah Biru. Sukantara ni merangkumi acara 800 m, 100 m, lompat jauh dan lontar peluru. Every participation will contribute 1 point for the house and those who passed the limit will contribute 3 points. Somehow I managed to get 3 points for 800 m only. Haha... Alyani pulak memang kontra dengan aku walaupun memiliki kekedingan yang sama. She's a black belt holder in taekwondo, you know. Takpe la, setiap orang ada kelebihan.
Dah la tu... asyik online je. Homework wouldn't finish themselves. 2 minggu lagi nak exam pulak... Ganbatte!
*Muafakat lebih kurang macam PIBG
**Schoolwide Enrichment Model (SEM) --> setiap pelajar/kumpulan kena buat projek ikut kategori pilihan. Lebih kurang macam projek universiti, perlu ada kajian dan mini tesis perlu dihantar. Masa Pesta Type III, setiap projek akan dibentangkan dan diadili.
***TGB MJSC's nasyeed group but I'm not sure about the spelling.
****homeroom ni macam keluarga angkat kat MRSM. Every homeroom consist of 12-15 students and a teacher advisor, a.k.a mak/ayah angkat.
aq bace2 je...
xpaham pe yg ko tulih..
last2,aq pakse gak otak aq memahami pe yg ko try smpaikan...tp xpat gak paham~
i wonder if anybody kidnapped christine daae there..
aq da agak da ko msti xmnat nk gaye cecantiknye la..
so typical of u..
pe x phm lak ni...
penat aku taip smlm..huh
2la bhse yg paling simple...
ko nk aku taip dlm bhse sanskrit ke??
heh...aku low profile
x cam ko..
seems like da same actvties i had b4 laa..lbh2 lg bab 2nngu org naek pntas amek anugrah..
bosn gler..
haha..tido bangun balek pon x abis lg..
huhu..nwy gd luck in tgb yeah!
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