When we were on the way back to the college, Alyani, my friend who was also a BADAR Apprentice, called me. She said if I didn't show up at the interview, my name will be eliminated. My half-closed eyes went big. The call made a big impact on me; I can't go back sleep, busy worrying about the interview. I managed to show up, dragging my tiredness and sleepiness with me. And guess what? I did badly. My hands were cold and my voice trembled. It was 12.30 in the midnight for cryin' out loud!
About four things I was absolutely positive.
First, I didn't pass the interview.
Second, I lost my MP3.
Third, my homeroom didn't get to sell our toast very well during the PUM night market.
Fourth, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in DESPAIR...

Well, every cloud has its silver lining, right? So, I'm just letting it go and move on...
Maybe Allah has something better for me in the future.
*But not the MP3 ok...I'm still hoping that I can find it back. T^T
hye kak hanis..
this aichan from fs..
sume ni blaku ade hikmah nye..
akak sabar yer!
err, bwk MP3 g hostel?
btw, nape interview tu buat tgh2 mlm?
terubat sket hati ni...
MP3 sbnanye bkn brg larangan...
MP4 n henfon je x boleh..
interview tu spatutnye kul 9 mlm, tp kt surau ade ceramah israk mikraj
postpone kul 11...
disbbkan watikah pelantikan hari isnin, so kne buat jgk hari tu...
owh, behati2 la len kali ya? :)
dah serik!
huhu... T^T
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