Ok, now I'm being ridiculous. Side effects of a studyaholic (is that even a word?). I have a fortnight till my final exam for this semester and what am I doing right now? Blogging and roaming the Net for no exact reason... Yeah, that's me. A typical last-minute-study student. Hey, don't blame me, I've just finished my UPSS last week. Honestly, the MRSM exam system is driving me crazy! 3 weeks after an exam, there's another waiting.
Lemme explain the exam system. In one semester, there's 3 exams, namely; UPSS 1, UPSS 2 and final exam. Our achievement in the UPSSs will contribute 30% in our pointer while the final exam is 60%. Another 10% is our attendance in class, coursework, homework and attitude.
There! Isn't that just torture?
Anyway, I also want to wish all the best to you guys who will be taking your mid-year exam. Georgians especially.
Success will be ours, InsyaAllah... =)

muahaha..thanx yg sal gudluck tue..ko pown!!all the best.aq taw otak ko leyh pakai n t'HEBAT..!!
thanx sbb wish 4 da georgians...
anyway,gudluck 2 u 2!!!!
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