Wednesday, December 31, 2008

3, 2, 1, Happy New Year!!

Goodbye 2008, hello 2009! My new year resolution? Well, I just use the same resolution every year; become a better person (which I'm having a hard time fulfilling it! =p). The year 2008 had left me great memories and it's my fav year so far. But also, I've lost 2 person I really care about...T^T

Btw, salam maal hijrah 1430H too! Semoga kita dapat berhijrah ke arah yang lebih baik... Amin...

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Finally, the day comes... The big day! The day that will change my life! ........(cricket sound) I'm overreacting, am I? Takde la, sebelum ni aku tak pernah pun rasa nervous sangat masa nak ambik result. Masa ambik result upsr dulu pun, takde rasa apa2... Kawan2 sume crying tears of joy and sadness, tapi aku rilek je. Rasa pelik pulak aku sorang je tak nangis. Huhu... =p

9.45 a.m. (sepatutnya 9 a.m., tapi tau2 je la izzati offence zati! XD)

Aku ambik result sorang2 je tahun ni sebab parents aku pergi haji. Jadi, aku tumpang jiran aku merangkap schoolmate aku pergi sekolah. Sepanjang dalam kereta, sakit perut! Nervous-lah!
Sampai sekolah baru la reda sikit sebab dapat jumpa kawan2 and all...

11.00 a.m.

Butterflies in my stomach! Again! Ramai dah berkerumun kat depan dewan. Fiqa and I were like holding hands most of the time to reduce the butterflies. The atmosphere was so tense and hot like a giant sauna!

12.00 p.m.

Cikgu2 berjalan dengan penuh gaya ke dalam dewan (except there's no red carpet =p). And the Iskandarians were already squealing because there are only 2 non-straight A's in their class. Fatin is the best student since she's the only student that took 9 subject and aced them.
Anyway, straight A's students had their names called up to the stage to receive the exam slips. And then, the moment of truth.... I'm one of them! So is Fiqa and Earina! Surprisingly, even the school's bad boys! We were like screaming in awe and there's hugging and hand shaking and picture taking and crying... blah blah blah...

So, that's it. Me, Hanis Mustafah, is a straight A's student! I've never been this happy for an exam result. XD

P/S: Maaf ye post ni macam rojak buah je. Sekarang ni perasaan tengah bercampur baur... =.="



Tadaa!! My very own blog! Alhamdulillah... Well, to tell you the truth, I've been thinking of starting my own blog for a long time, but haven't got the stomach to do it. I know, pathetic huh? I'm just afraid that it won't turn out very good and my english is not very good and I don't know what to write in a blog. But now I do, with a little help (ok, big help!) from my best friend, Fiqa, which also had a blog.

Anyway, I've came up with the title for my blog from a Korean drama, Successful Story Of A Bright Girl. I don't know what it has to do with me, but it sounds cool...and cool is relative. So, figure out for yourselves why is it so cool. XD But I'm not so bright, as you know from the title, because... err... I don't know... I don't feel like it, eventhough my parents (and also some of my friends) always say I'm bright as a morning sunshine. Ironic much?

OK, enough babbling. Hope you guys enjoy reading my blog. Seriously, enjoy it!!
Haha, just pulling your legs...XD
P/S: Just for you to know, I'm also really into manganime stuff. =)