Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Of Ramadan and National Day

Selamat Menyambut Ramadan al-Mubarak


Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan ke-52

Selamat beribadat dan mudah-mudahan Hari Ke
merdekaan yang disambut dalam bulan Ramadan ni akan mendapat keberkatan dan mungkin sebagai satu ibadat...

Let us hunt the blessing night!
Lailatu al-Qadr!

p/s: bagus la budak tu, bendera buat baju raya... =p

Monday, August 24, 2009

Award by syerah~

award diterima oleh:
hanis-chan ♥

pemberi award oleh:
syerah, an old friend~ =)


tag 5 orang:

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Am I really...?

Last Friday, the Fifth Formers had their mock interview. All the teachers were involved so no classes for the Fourth Formers. Yayy! The BWPs in collaboration with the History club had arranged a few games; Historical Race, Poster-making Competition and Build It.

While waiting for Build It to start, my classmates, Mira, Fadh, Fiqa, Alyani, Sue, Najibah and I played Truth or Dare. The game was getting interesting as we move on. Then, when it's Sue's turn, she was asked, "Apa sikap negatif yand ada kat kitorang?" She answered. But things got complicated when she started crying as she told us her answer.

We were like, "Whoa, chill Sue. Ni game je...nape sampai nangis2 ni?" Maybe she finally got to tell her feeling about our negative side that made her so sad.

Hmm... She said that I like to play with my words, more like acuh tak acuh la... She said that I didn't take of what she said seriously. Am I really? What do you think?

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Letting it go...

After the UPSS, I really enjoyed myself. An absolutely do-nothing day for me. The next day, (Saturday) I went on a field trip to the Bon Odori Festival. A great way to celebrate the after-UPSS. But, the fun doesn't last long.

When we were on the way back to the college, Alyani, my friend who was also a BADAR Apprentice, called me. She said if I didn't show up at the interview, my name will be eliminated. My half-closed eyes went big. The call made a big impact on me; I can't go back sleep, busy worrying about the interview. I managed to show up, dragging my tiredness and sleepiness with me. And guess what? I did badly. My hands were cold and my voice trembled. It was 12.30 in the midnight for cryin' out loud!

About four things I was absolutely positive.

First, I didn't pass the interview.
Second, I lost my MP3.
Third, my homeroom didn't get to sell our toast very well during the PUM night market.
Fourth, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in DESPAIR...

Well, every cloud has its silver lining, right? So, I'm just letting it go and move on...
Maybe Allah has something better for me in the future.

*But not the MP3 ok...I'm still hoping that I can find it back. T^T